October's offering of images is a collage of these photos. The subject may appear self-indulgent, but, the venue of a personal photo blog leans that way, anyway. These photos were all taken with my phone, day after day, as self-portraits sent to my boyfriend. They could be read as a bare comment on picture texting and the projected image of oneself. Fake but also real. It's me and it's part of a relationship and how I often see or present myself to this other person. I thought, a lot, about whether I wanted to put this out there. But, the notion of self-perception and image as well as technology's role and even the idea of multiple selves or the simplicity of the visual effect of a grid... all of these facets interested me.

This may be the start of a series of self-portraits in 2011.
Gear: mobile phone LG VX8360