Daily light fluctuations affect my little red clover plant as its leaves reach for the sun from the kitchen bay window. Every few days, I rotate the planter to thwart the tendrils from skewing too far to one side. The next day, they'll stretch the other way. Recently, I adjusted the pot and a set of leaves responded to the light by moving so quickly the movements were almost visible in real time. It lifts and lowers as if inhaling and exhaling. Resting and reaching. Yogi-like.
This time lapse is comprised of two shorter sessions spanning two days. For the impatient, a faster, backward version of the second day follows the credits.
The above is the highest res. version I've been able to load.
A still and shot of the credits:
Images were shot with a Nikon D90 and Tamron 18-270mm VC pzd lens. Shooting conditions were not the most forgiving for the glass. I wanted strong back-lighting to isolate the subject and highlight the illuminated color of the leaves, and wonder how different lenses might have performed. However, the level of leaf detail is pleasing and the roughness of swaths of colored light create an almost mesmerizing watercolor-like effect for the background. Perhaps someone else would have the patience to create something more finitely polished, but I prefer the raw character of this version. Please weigh in with your thoughts. I was fortunate to find fitting music through Creative Commons, and urge anyone looking for a soundtrack to utilize that source.
This was a nice side project while I worked on my thesis. Since I was sick last week there was more time to devote to both, but I likely won't make much new creative work until after graduation in May.