How prudent, then, that I designed this project to allow for the fluctuation of time priority. What of the last few days? Errands, exercise, reading, gathering with friends, relaxation, printing, work, stress, homework, class, exhaustion. My commute to work and campus and typical haunts hovers around the twenty mile mark, so I also tend to spend time driving. At least I like my little car and get good gas mileage. Somewhat unrelated, since returning from Chicago the same album has taken up permanent residence in the car's stereo. It makes me happy.
At any rate, pictures were made these days--a few on my camera phone and some with a compact camera--but those won't be displayed here. Instead, below are three unrelated images that work curiously well together.

By the way, back in January I considered making long night exposure to document the streak of taillights, but had a hard time thinking of a bridge from which to safely shoot the image unimpeded by fencing. I've thought of one. This will occur. We'll see if I can make anything special out of it that markedly improves the January pic.
Gear: Nikon D90, Nikkor AFD 50mm f/1.4, Nikkor AFD 60mm f/2.8 micro
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