Well, I bought two new pair of glasses and like the frames (what you're not seeing b/c it's not important to this post is the bling on the third image's franes ... a sparkly floral design on each side... totally gives me street cred in the art world), but noticed tonight that the lenses seem awfully big, especially as it was particularly suggested that I buy the polycarbonate lenses, same as the last pair, in order to keep them small and thin. Observe one of the new lenses compared with the old ones:

Albeit, the frames are slightly bigger and the prescription changed a little, but the optometrist said it was the smallest change he could possibly make. So, I'm curious as to why the lenses are so different, if it's supposedly the same material and such a similar recipe of nearsightedness. I'm also curious why the salesperson didn't inquire about polishing, since the older pair are much smoother and more transparent around the edges than the new coke bottle lookin' ones, and, although I deal with optics all the time, I didn't even think of it.

This may require further investigation.
Gear: Nikon D90, Nikkor AF 50mm f/1.4, stack of close-up filters
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