I was actually quite pleased with yesterday's images, so after an exhausting day and a half I decided to try a similar composition again, although I'm not as pleased. This one didn't turn out quite as well, but I missed breakfast with a friend--whom i haven't seen for months--this morning due to a snafu in group project, and it wasn't the best day for sales followed by more time finishing up schoolwork, and I didn't even stop to have dinner, so this is all I'm able to give, visually, before dropping off to sleep and dreaming of vacation next week.
Maybe it's the full moon.
And now, tomorrow, I really get to go out for breakfast before work! (Nick just laughed today when I pouted that I was "hungry and cranky" at the beginning of a nine hour shift). ;-)
Gear: same as the last several. D90, Nikkor 50 f/1.4, close-focus filter... add to the mix the subject, which was a small weaving study i made in a fibers course about three years ago
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