The act of sledding was much more chaotic than this simple still. Five intrepid 30-ish year-olds braved the frozen tundra of Minneapolis's Powderhorn Park on this lovely Saturday afternoon. What wins when bravado braces against the threat of more than a bruised ego? Well, typically we played it safe, although Brian did make one agonizingly slow epic jump, viewable on youtube here, thanks to my friend JP. In response to the amazing video documentation Dan declared that any future sledding endeavors should require everyone to go down the hill with a camera in hand.
Hot beverages were enjoyed, fun was had and just about everybody was hurting the next day and beyond.
I don't make a lot of documentary style imagery, but couldn't pass up this shot. The hat's owner is a mystery. It was no one from our group.
This was the photograph I submitted to the MIA Foot in the Door 4 show.
Gear: Nikon D90, Nikkor AFD 50mm f/1.4
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