Here, again, I didn't have a specific daily project in mind but felt like pursuing the idea of photographs that need not be so photographic. I wanted these to look more like the nature of a painting or drawing, but with the knowledge that this was something that physically existed in the form of light interpreted by a piece of glass and photographic sensor. I'm really interested in theories of photography regarding truth, by the way.

The particular image above doesn't exactly follow the painterly photograph idea, although it does have its merits there, but I also had in mind the notion of the beauty present in the grotesque. That evening my seminar met and discussed some related ideas. So, while I was pursuing a vague interest of abstract colored bokeh beauty, I also appreciated the strange resemblance this image conveys as a set of odd, discolored unhealthy teeth. That's not, of course, what the subject is, nor does it exactly recreate that look, but it's one thought that crosses my mind every time I look at it.
Gear: Nikon D90, Nikkor AFD 60mm f/2.8 micro
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